New Partnerships Announcement

We are delighted to announce our new funded partners from our grants round in September 2024. For this round, we specifically sought to collaborate with organisations working tangibly to address environmental challenges. In addition to the focus on environmental sustainability, we provided follow-on funding to an existing partner, Global Girl Project, and responded to several global humanitarian appeals as outlined below. 

Investing in community-driven solutions to environmental challenges

Welcoming five new partners Foundation Director, Georgina Awoonor-Gordon reflected that ‘We intentionally set out to engage dynamic organisations with demonstrable community-driven approaches and look forward to learning from our new partners and deepening our impact in this space.’

Please find below a summary of our new partnerships:


Project Summary: Supporting CoalitionWILD’s commitment to fostering equitable conservation where communities, wildlife, and ecosystems thrive in harmony, through investing in young conservation leaders.

Location: Global

Grant amount: £40,000


Guardians Worldwide  

Project summary: Investing in a reforestation project of the Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo, a 517-hectare Atlantic Forest reserve established by the Fulkaxo indigenous people of Northeastern Brazil.

Location: Brazil

Grant amount: £50,000


Humanity & Inclusion   

Project summary: Supporting a sustainable demining and reforestation project in Colombia, working to protect and restore land by detecting and clearing landmines, and returning the land to the communities to ensure it benefits both the people and the planet.

Location: Columbia

Grant amount: £45,020


WILD Foundation

Project summary: Working with the Yawanawa indigenous people to bring a large section of the Western Amazon under better care, management, and supervision.

Location: Brazil

Grant amount: £38,884


World Land Trust            

Project summary: Supporting World Land Trust and partner FUNDAECO to expand Cerro San Gil’s Full Conservation Zones in Guatemala, contributing to the protection of over 3 kilometres of undeveloped forested shoreline.

Location: Guatemala     

Grant amount: £ 26,697

Follow-on funding

Further funding has been provided to enable our existing Global Girl Project to deepen impact of its leadership programme as follows:


Project summary: To continue delivery of a dynamic leadership education programme to over 1,100 girls (aged 13 - 21 years) living in some of the most marginalised communities in the Majority World; deliberately working in overlooked geographies and ensuring the change agenda is driven by the girls themselves.

Location: Global

Grant amount: £50,000


Emergency Response

The Board approved funding towards the following humanitarian appeals this cycle:



Appeal: Sudan famine     

Grant amount: £20,000


British Red Cross 

Appeal: Gaza     

Grant amount: £15,000



Appeal: Gaza flash appeal             

Grant amount: £15,000


African Children's Fund

Appeal: Kenya floods - school kitchen renovations

Grant amount: £7,500


War Child

Appeal: South Sudan floods

Grant amount: £20,000

By Yas Comez October 17, 2024
In January this year, the EA Foundation awarded £25,000 to the Refugee Council towards its Refugee Advice Project (RAP). Last month, our Communications volunteer Yasmin Comez accompanied EA Foundation's Director Georgina Awoonor-Gordon on a visit to the Refugee Council at their offices in East London. Here, Yasmin reflects on the visit and the impact of our funding.
By Georgina Awoonor-Gordon September 9, 2024
Our Continued Commitment to Under-served Communities Trustees are excited to announce funding of over £1.3m to new projects across the globe. Richard Bronze, Chair of the Board noted: ‘As Trustees, we remain inspired by the ongoing commitment of our funded partners across the globe, working tirelessly to address a multitude of social injustices. We continue to learn and grow through our partners and look forward to seeing the impact in the lives of the communities we work with.’ We are pleased to present a summary of our new funded partnerships: Able Child Africa Project Summary: Testing a new approach of focusing on parents of children with disabilities (CwD) to address the barriers they face Location: Kenya Grant amount: £49,084 For more information on Able Child Africa’s work, please visit: ADD International Project summary: Piloting a Global Disability Leadership Academy for young disabled people to support their leadership journey Location: Uganda, Bangladesh Grant amount: £35,000 For more information on ADD International’s work, please visit: Afrikids Project summary: Delivering the 'Every Child in School' programme – a catalyst for education reform in the overlooked and marginalised communities of Northern Ghana Location: Ghana Grant amount: £27,867 For more information on Afrikids’ work, please visit: BE REEL Project summary: Providing education for women in Gambia, previously uneducated or with minimal education, to enable them to run microbusinesses to improve their self-sufficiency and contribution to family income Location: The Gambia Grant amount: £28,940 For more information on BE REEL’s work, please visit: Chance for Childhood Project summary: Promoting Inclusive Education in Greater Accra Location: Ghana Grant amount: £75,547 For more information on Chance for Childhood’s work, please visit: Concern Worldwide Project summary: Building community resilience and sustainable community led solutions for improved access to safe water and natural resource management Location: Liberia Grant amount: £47,000 For more information on Concern Worldwide’s work, please visit: Fields of Life Project summary: Improving sanitation and hygiene for over 19 thousand adolescent boys and girls across 32 schools and addressing barriers to accessing education for teenage mothers Location: Uganda Grant amount: £45,680 For more information Field of Life’s work, please visit: Frank Water Project summary: Working with over 10 thousand people in the drought-prone Indian state of Maharashtra to support them in sustainably managing their limited water resources Location: India 18 Grant amount: £63,281 For more information on Frank Water’s work, please visit: Health Poverty Action Project summary: Enhancing the quality and accessibility of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health services in the pastoralist communities of Dolobay Location: Ethiopia Grant amount: £37,943 For more information on Health Poverty Action’s work, please visit: Mercy Hands Europe Project summary: Establishing a dedicated healthcare and protection centre in the Qabbasin – Al-Bab area of Aleppo Governorate, with a strong focus on the well-being of women and children Location: Syria Grant amount: £49,558 For more information on Mercy Hands Europe’s work, please visit: Mumba Children's Project Project summary: Providing vulnerable school children, female youths and women of rural Zambia with a source of water, an income generating activity and source of nutrition, enabling them to become productive and self-reliant Location: Zambia Grant amount: £16,000 For more information on Mumba Children’s Project work, please visit: Railway Children Project summary: Preventing 400 children arriving alone and vulnerable at two of Delhi’s major railway stations from slipping into street life Location: India Grant amount: £35,000 For more information on Railway Children’s work, please visit: Shared Interest Foundation Project summary: Reducing the poverty levels of 75 economically vulnerable women with disabilities in Burkina Faso through establishing a sustainable, organic vegetable production enterprise Location: Burkina Faso Grant amount: £41,044 For more information on Shared Interest Foundation’s work, please visit: Smart Girls Uganda Project summary: Scaling training for 100 youth in non-traditional STEM trades and distributing 1,000 Solar Smart Bag ((menstrual hygiene kit/backpack) Location: Uganda Grant amount: £47,553 For more information on Smart Girls Uganda’s work, please visit: Smiling Through Light Project summary: Utilising digital innovation and implementation of Pay as You Go (PAYG) Solar Home Systems to rural communities in Sierra Leone through a network of female sales agents Location: Sierra Leone Grant amount: £30,000 For more information on Smiling Through Light’s work, please visit: Sophia Akash Foundation Project summary: Delivering inclusive and equitable training for 200 marginalised women to adopt sustainable farming practices Location: India Grant amount: £50,000 For more information on Sophia Akash Foundation’s work, please visit: Syrian Forum Project summary: Transformative project designed to uplift women in northwest Syria by equipping them with essential digital skills crucial for the modern workforce Location: Syria Grant amount: £49,000 For more information on Syrian Forum’s work, please visit: Tackle Africa Project summary: Using the power and popularity of football to reach 1,000 adolescents and young people with the Sexual Reproductive Health knowledge Location: Zambia Grant amount: £40,065 For more information on Able Child Africa’s work, please visit: Their Future Today Project summary: Pioneering the first foster and alternative care/kinship centre for children currently in institutional care settings Location: Sri Lanka Grant amount: £50,000 For more information on Their Future Today’s work, please visit: UK for UNHCR Project summary: contribution to the Middle East Appeal Location: Middle East Grant amount: £20,000 For more information on UK for UNHCR’s work, please visit: United World Schools (UWS) Project summary: Strategic partnership - delivering quality education and expanding school infrastructure over three years Location: Madagascar Grant amount: £319,209 For more information on United World Schools’ work, please visit: WasteAid Project summary: Empowering marginalised and underserviced communities to recover the value of waste from within their communities and help lift themselves out of poverty Location: South Africa Grant amount: £45,000 For more information on Wasteaid’s work, please visit: Women for Women International Project summary: Supporting 200 marginalised women in Plateau State to build pathways out of poverty via a holistic approach to tackling multiple social, economic, and cultural barriers to women’s progress Location: Nigeria Grant amount: £50,000 For more information on Women for Women International’s work, please visit:
July 11, 2024
Georgina Harding 11 July 2024
By Yas Comez February 23, 2024
Georgina Awoonor-Gordon 23 February 2023
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