Eligibility Criteria
Are you registered in the UK?
Is your work for legally charitable purposes?
Is your application for an individual?
Are you applying for work that has already completed?
If you have any questions, please contact us at grants@ea-foundation.org.uk
Guidance Notes
Thank you for your interest in EA Foundation. We fund projects internationally which work to address issues aligned to our 4 core pillars through the provision of grants to organisations which:
We also make contributions to emergency response appeals outside of our usual funding rounds.
Although we do not prohibit applications relating to other issues, we would strongly encourage organisations to only apply for funding for projects that align to one or more of our strategic pillars as outlined above and where they can clearly demonstrate how the activities will bring about tangible change in the lives of its target communities.
In our application form, you are asked to identify which priority area(s) you will be addressing. Each proposal will be assessed on its quality and intended impact, and whilst we expect that some projects will meet several priority areas, there is no requirement for you to address more than one.
We are open to applications from a diverse range of organisations, irrespective of turnover, especially in relation to our support of emergency response appeals.
Primarily, we fund UK-based charitable entities. The following types of organisations are eligible to apply for funding:
Currently we only routinely fund through UK-based organisations. If you are based overseas or are a private company, please contact us to discuss your work and proposal before applying. All eligible companies (as outlined above) must have an asset lock in their constitution which ensures that funds and any profit are ploughed back into the organisation.
Whilst we are keen not to be too prescriptive about the type of work we will support, we would like to collaborate with organisations that:
We have not specified any upper or lower limits to the budget, as we would like a realistic picture of the true costs of the work. However, based on our current giving trends to date, the grants approved have averaged between £20,000 - £50,000 for an average duration of 12-24 months.
Please visit 360Giving for more information about the organisations and range of work we have funded to date: https://grantnav.threesixtygiving.org/org/GB-CHC-1194169
6. Supporting information
You will be required to upload the following documents with your application:
We will not fund the following:
We have largely provided project funding to date. We fully appreciate the importance of core funding to an organisation’s sustainability and to this end, we take the approach of nurturing long-term partnerships, starting with smaller funding and graduating to more strategic partnerships and unrestricted funding.
We would encourage all applicants to operate a full cost recovery model by including all relevant costs of your project in the budget, including proportionate costs of overheads related to the effective delivery of the project.
Resubmissions are by invitation only, so if you have been unsuccessful with an application over the last 2 years, we would encourage that you submit a new proposal.
Key Dates will be published for each funding round. Decisions take an average of 8 weeks, although this might vary depending on the scale and scope of each round.
Submitting an application
All applications should be made using a form which will be provided for each funding round.
What happens when we receive your application
Follow-on funding
As outlined above, we are keen to nurture longer-term partnership and would be open to consider follow-on funding, however this will be largely by invitation only.
If we have previously funded your work, please contact us to discuss the possibility of follow-on funding.
We reserve the right to share non-personal information, regarding your application, activities and organisation. We will do so thoughtfully, ensuring that no personal data is shared. A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found HERE
Detection of fraud
As part of our due diligence checks, we reserve the right to share personal information to detect and prevent fraud. We do not require your consent for this.
Notification of decisions
If you have any questions, please contact our offices at grants@ea-foundation.org.uk